Microlearning doesn’t need to be a specific length. Understanding learner needs and goals achieves true benefits from the form.
What’s the ideal height for a professional basketball player?
Spud Webb won the NBA slam dunk contest at 5’7” (170 cm).
What’s the ideal length of a blockbuster?
Two of the highest grossing movies in history clock in above 3 hours.
What is the perfect timing for a microlearning course?
You’re right.
The length isn’t as relevant as the goal.
Should microlearning be brief?
But focusing on ‘how brief?’ detracts from the true benefits of the form.
Providing learners with concise, focused learning experiences.
Furnishing opportunities for repeated, spaced practice.
Helping learners connect information with action.
Presenting clear, specific feedback.
Ensuring ease of access.
Changing behavior.
These factors make the tool effective.
And understanding its application relative to learner needs and goals properly influences the form.
Learners don’t measure the value of microlearning by the second.
But by lasting memories and changed behavior.
Further Reading:
Dolasinski, M.J., Reynolds, J. (2020, January 31). Microlearning: A New Learning Model. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.
Shail, M. S. (2019, August 02). Using Micro-learning on Mobile Applications to Increase Knowledge Retention and Work Performance: A Review of Literature. Cureus.
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